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What can you do with Eureka

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    Find inspiration for R&D projects

    Eureka uses AI that goes beyond simple keyword matching to deliver search results.
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    Take the guesswork out of idea validation

    Validate your ideas and identify potential roadblocks before you invest time and resources.
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    Collaborate with your R&D and IP teams

    Regardless of your expertise, our collaborative tool makes it easy for teams to work together seamlessly.

Why Our Customers Trust Eureka

  • 180,000,000+

    Global Patent Data
  • 190,000,000+

    Scientific Literature Data
  • 270,000,000+

    Legal Data

How does Eureka work

  • Discover the latest inventions and solutions

    Discover the latest inventions and solutions

    • Simply enter a keyword or description of an invention to start using Eureka's AI-powered search tool.
    • Preview your results right through Eureka's technical lens and find solutions.
    • Use Eureka's AI-powered technology, PatentDNA, to refine your results with filters designed for R&D.
  • Save time reading patents and find key insights in minutes

    Save time reading patents and find key insights in minutes

    • Identify technical problems, methods and benefits at a glance, with Eureka's AI-Extracted Summary.
    • Visualize descriptions easily and save time cross-referencing drawings and texts with Eureka's Smart Images.
    • Gain quick access to experimental data, properties, units and measurements, with the "Examples" and "Properties" tabs.
  • Conduct multidimensional macro analysis on a technology area and gain competitive edge

    Conduct multidimensional macro analysis on a technology area and gain competitive edge

    • Track the evolution of technology topics and popular areas of research.
    • Analyze popular technology areas to identify key movements in R&D.
    • Identify potential competitors with the Player Distribution analysis chart.
Try Eureka Search For Free!!

Try Eureka Search For Free!!

Describe the technical challenge you are encountering or your technical breakthrough goal and our powerful search function will retrieve the most relevant technology solutions for you.

Features Exclusive to Eureka, Designed for R&D


Idea Submission

Evaluate the novelty of your invention, compare it to existing technologies, and share your findings easily.


Skip reading through pages of documents and effortlessly review inventions.

PUM Filter

Explore inventions precisely by physical properties and measurements of materials.
Who we serve
  • R&D Engineer
  • R&D Manager
  • IP Professional
Why Eureka
  • Industry Leading Data Capabilities
  • Powerful AI technology
  • Patent DNA Extraction
Try Eureka

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